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Fat Transfer to Breasts

Breast Augmentation With Fat Richmond & Charlottesville, VA - Fat Transfer to Breast Expert

Board Certified Plastic Surgeon Matthew G. Stanwix, MD

Breast enhancement by fat transfer is one of the most common procedures that Board Certified Plastic Surgeon Dr. Matthew G. Stanwix performs. Importantly, Dr. Stanwix is a Cosmetic Breast Surgeon of Stanwix Plastic Surgery who performs breast surgery on a nearly daily basis and offers breast augmentation by fat transfer. It is a natural and minimally invasive technique that enhances the size of your breasts without the use of foreign breast implants.

Do you have areas of stubborn fat that will not go away despite a healthy diet and active lifestyle? Do you have small breasts that you wish could be bigger and enhanced to look better in a low cut dress or bikini? Most importantly, if you are like other women in Richmond VA and Charlottesville VA, have you ever dreamed of taking that stubborn fat from your belly or hips or legs and moving it to your breasts? The perfect answer to these questions is fat transfer! Dr. Stanwix takes fat by liposuction techniques from areas of the body that you want removed and transfers it to the breasts in a nearly scarless technique. By doing so, you will have natural breast enhancement that lasts. Your mind will be at ease knowing that Dr. Stanwix of Stanwix Plastic Surgery performs fat transfer on nearly a daily basis.


Before and After Photo of a Dr. Stanwix patient after Fat Transfer to Breasts

Breast surgery patients of Dr. Stanwix are often the happiest patients in his practice. The progressive techniques he utilizes, as well as his meticulous surgical attention to detail make him poised to help you through the fat transfer process. You may be wondering: how long do breast implants last? Breast implants only last over a decade on average and thus do not unfortunately last forever. Also, Dr. Stanwix often is called upon by patients in the Richmond VA and Charlottesville VA area to remove their breast implants because they were not happy with their results from their previous surgeon. In addition, some breast implant patients have pain, breast implant illness, and other localized problems that necessitates removal. Therefore, breast augmentation by breast implants is not the perfect solution for everyone to enhance their breasts. That is why Dr. Matthew G. Stanwix of Stanwix Plastic Surgery utilizes the progressive fat transfer techniques to create natural breast enhancement that lasts!

Dr. Stanwix often is asked: do I have enough fat to make me the size I want to be? Almost every female is a candidate for this surgery and it depends on the size of your breasts now, how much fatty deposits you have elsewhere, and what size you want to be. Depending on what bra size you are seeking, it may take more than one fat transfer surgery to get you to the shape and size you deserve. The great thing about this surgery is that Dr. Stanwix uses almost a scarless technique to perform the entire operation. You will go home the same day with minimal recovery time. You return to the gym, your job, and exercise activities the NEXT day with your larger and natural breasts !

Dr. Stanwix will take you calmly through the consultation process regarding breast augmentation (breast enhancement) by fat transfer. He will answer all your questions, such as: what is the recovery time for breast augmentation by fat transfer (practically none!), what is the fat retention rate (about 65-70% stays forever with a steady BMI), or what is the cost of breast enhancement by fat transfer (it depends on the amount of donor sites and other factors) and many more? He explains in detail about the fat transfer surgery process through diagrams and drawings on his iPad. Feel free to browse through his before and after photo gallery now or on his iPad during your visit. Your consultation will be a good opportunity for you, your family, and friends to know Dr. Stanwix and feel comfortable about his expertise and extensive experience with fat transfer while asking important questions. Dr. Stanwix will also explain many things that you should know as well: because fat transfer for cosmetic breast augmentation has been around for decades, medical studies and data show it is extremely safe… it does not lead to increased risk of breast cancer, and has the same mammographic changes as a breast lift or breast reduction.

If you want natural breast augmentation by fat transfer that lasts and looks great then call or contact Dr. Stanwix today!


Before and After Of Another Dr. Stanwix patient resulting from Fat Transfer To Breasts (6 Months After)


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