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Body Analysis

Take a moment to examine your physique…

Self-confidence is a highly desirable characteristic and Dr. Stanwix wants to help you achieve it. When you have a positive body-image, you exude self-confidence. Often we find that life changes such as having a child, or simply getting older, can cause the body to change. While these changes may produce undesirable results, there are steps we can take to turn back the clock and get you looking your best. Take a moment to look in a mirror and honestly answer the following questions about your appearance and self-image:

Note: Men can ignore questions pertaining to women only.

If you answered yes to ANY of these questions, Dr. Stanwix has modern, traditional, and minimally invasive ways to enhance your appearance and address your body-image concerns. To receive a personalized response to your body analysis, please complete the form below.

You can have the look you’ve always wanted! Contact Dr. Stanwix today to schedule an appointment today!

Note: Messages sent using this form are not considered private. Please contact our office by telephone if sending highly confidential or private information.


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