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Meet our Board Certified Plastic Surgeon in Richmond, VA










STANWIX PLASTIC SURGERY, Richmond, Virginia, July 2018- Current -Plastic, Reconstructive, Maxillofacial and Aesthetic Surgery

RICHMOND PLASTIC SURGEONS, Richmond, Virginia, July 2013- June 2018 Plastic, Reconstructive, Maxillofacial and Aesthetic Surgery
RICHMOND AESTHETIC SURGERY, Richmond, Virginia, July 2012- June 2013 Plastic, Reconstructive, Maxillofacial and Aesthetic Surgery
JOHNS HOPKINS MEDICAL INSTITUTE, Baltimore, Maryland, July 2005-June 2007 and July 2008-June 2012 Plastic, Reconstructive, Maxillofacial and Aesthetic Surgery Resident
PLASTIC SURGERY RESEARCH RESIDENT, Baltimore, Maryland, July 2007-June 2008 Basic Science and Clinical Research
MONROE COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTMENT, Rochester, New York, Summers 1999, 2001 Water Quality/Supply and Lead Departments; Anthony L. Jordan Health Teen Center
KAPLAN EDUCATION, South Bend, Indiana, October 2000-May 2001
CAMP SWEENEY, Gainesville, Texas, May-August, December 2000
Run by University of Texas at Southwestern Medical Center
UNIVERSITY OF NOTRE DAME, South Bend, Indiana, .August 1998-May 1999


“Composite Tissue Allotransplantation in Non-Human Primates: Technical Feasibility, Histology, and Tolerance Induction,” American Society for Reconstructive Microsurgery, January 16, 2008, Beverly Hills, CA.

“Composite Tissue Allotransplantation,” Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery Grand Rounds, January 23, 2008, The Johns Hopkins Hospital.

“Composite Tissue Allotransplantation in Non-Human Primates: Prolonged Allograft Survival and Optimal Immunosuppressive Strategies,” Baltimore Academy of Surgery, March 15, 2008, Baltimore, MD.

“Frontal-Basilar Injury,” Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery Grand Rounds, April 3, 2008, The Johns Hopkins Hospital.

“Cutting Edge Plastic Surgery Research: Reconstruction, Regeneration, and Transplantation,” Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery Grand Rounds, June 12, 2008, The Johns Hopkins Hospital.

“Composite Tissue Allotransplantation and the Development of Donor Derived Post Transplant Lymphoproliferative Disorder,” General Surgery Research Awards, June 19, 2008, The Johns Hopkins Hospital.

“Definitive Treatment of Persistent Frontal Sinus Infections: Elimination of Dead Space and Sino-Nasal Communication,” General Surgery Research Awards, June 19, 2008, The Johns Hopkins Hospital.

“Ballistic Facial trauma” Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery Grand Rounds, The Johns Hopkins Hospital, December 2008

“Definitive Treatment of Persistent Frontal Sinus Infections: Elimination of Dead Space and Sino-Nasal Communication,” Podium Presentation at American Society for Reconstructive Microsurgery, January 2009

“Ballistic facial trauma” Baltimore City Combined Trauma Core Curriculum, Johns Hopkins Hospital January 2009

“Hyperpararthyroidism: Three Classifications to Never Forget” Surgical Endocrinology Conference, Johns Hopkins Hospital, June 2009

“Frontobasilar Fractures: Anatomic Classification and Clinical Significance.” Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery Grand Rounds, The Johns Hopkins Hospital, June 2009

“Management of Complications Following Surgical Treatment of Periorbital Trauma”, Plastic Surgery Conference, R. Adams Cowley Shock Trauma and University of Maryland Medical Systems, September 2009

“Latissimus, Scapular and Parascapular Flaps: Of Chimeric Multitude in the Upper Extremity”. Continuing Medical Didactics, Curtis National Hand Center, Union Memorial Hospital, October 27, 2009

“Gynecomastia: Have we learned anything over the last two decades?” Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery Grand Rounds, The Johns Hopkins Hospital, December 17, 2009

“Macrochimerism and Allo-Engraftment in Composite Facial Allograft in Non-Human Primates Can Be Achieved Without Ablative or Depletional Therapies.” Podium Presentation at American Society for Reconstructive Microsurgery, Boca Raton, Florida, January 12, 2010

“Vascularized Free Fibula Composite Tissue Allograft (CTA) Survival with Tacrolimus Monotherapy in Non-Human Primates.” Podium Presentation at American Society for Reconstructive Microsurgery, Boca Raton, Florida, January 12, 2010

“Ventral Hernia Repair with Current Biological Prostheses: An Experimental Large Animal Model.” Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery Research Grand Rounds, The Johns Hopkins Hospital, June 17, 2010

“The ROOF and SOOF: Forgotten Entities of Facial Rejuvenation?” Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery Grand Rounds, The Johns Hopkins Hospital, October 17, 2010

“Expander-Based Breast Reconstruction with Acellular Dermal Matrix: Should it be the Standard of Care?” Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery Grand Rounds, The Johns Hopkins Hospital, January 13, 2011

“Non-syndromic Cleft Palate.” Plastic, Reconstructive and Maxillofacial Surgery, University of Maryland Medical Systems, February 8, 2011

“Pediatric Facial Fractures: A Comprehensive 20 Year Review” Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery Research Grand Rounds, The Johns Hopkins Hospital, June 16, 2011

“The 21st Century Facelift: What Should We Do With The SMAS” Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery Research Grand Rounds, The Johns Hopkins Hospital, December 17, 2011

“Sacral Pressure Sores” Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery Grand Rounds, University of Maryland Medical Systems, January 7, 2012

“Pediatric Mandible Fractures: Lessons Learned from a Level One Trauma Center” Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery Research Grand Rounds, The Johns Hopkins Hospital, June 22, 2012


Eduardo D. Rodriguez, Matthew G. Stanwix, Arthur J. Nam, Hugo St. Hilaire, Oliver P. Simmons, Michael R. Christy, Michael P. Grant, Paul N. Manson. 26 Year Experience Treating Frontal Sinus Fractures: A Novel Algorithm Based on Anatomical Fracture Pattern & Failure of Conventional Techniques. Plast Reconstr Surg. 2008 Dec;122(6):1850-66.

Rolf N. Barth, Rachel Bluebond-Langner, Arthur Nam, Matthew G. Stanwix, Steven Shipley, Stephen T. Bartlett and Eduardo D. Rodriguez. Facial Composite Tissue Allografts in Non-Human Primates: I. Technical and Immunosuppressive Requirements for Prolonged Graft Survival. Plast Reconstr Surg. 2009 Feb;123(2):493-501.

Eduardo D. Rodriguez, Matthew G. Stanwix, Arthur J. Nam, Hugo St. Hilaire, Oliver P. Simmons, Paul N. Manson. Definitive treatment of persistent frontal sinus infections: elimination of dead space and sinonasal communication. Plast Reconstr Surg. 2009 Mar;123(3):957-67.

Banks ND, Hui-Chou HG, Tripathi S, Collins BJ, Matthew G. Stanwix, Nam AJ, Rodriguez ED.

An anatomical study of external carotid artery vascular territories in face and midface flaps for transplantation. Plast Reconstr Surg. 2009 Jun;123(6):1677-87.

Carolyn Kerrigan, Matthew G. Stanwix. Using Evidence to Minimze the Cost of Trigger Finger Care. J Hand Surg Am. 2009 Jul-Aug;34(6):997-1005.

Paul N. Manson, Matthew G. Stanwix, Arthur J. Nam, Michael J. Yaremchuk, Kailesh Narayan, Cheryl Iglesia, David Roberts, Eduardo D. Rodriguez. Frontobasilar Fractures: Anatomic Classification and Clinical Significance. Plast Reconstr Surg. 2009 Dec;124(6):2096-106.

Barth RN, Nam AJ, Stanwix MG, Kukuruga D, Drachenberg CI, Bluebond-Langner R, Hui-Chou H, Shipley ST, Bartlett ST, Rodriguez ED. Prolonged survival of composite facial allografts in non-human primates associated with posttransplant lymphoproliferative disorder. Transplantation. 2009 Dec 15;88(11):1242-50.

Matthew G Stanwix, Eduardo D Rodriguez. Reply: Composite Maxillary Transplantation. Plast Reconstr Surgery. 2010 Jan:125(1):418-419.

Matthew G. Stanwix, Barish H Edil: Bronchogenic Cysts. Arch Surg. 2010 May;145(5):499-500.

Matthew G. Stanwix, Arthur J. Nam, Paul N. Manson, Eduardo D. Rodriguez. Critical Computed Tomography Diagnostic Criteria for Frontal Sinus Fractures. J Oral Maxillofac Surg. 2010 Nov;68(11):2714-22.

Matthew G. Stanwix, Arthur J Nam. Ventral Hernia Repair with Current Biological Prostheses: An Experimental Large Animal Model. Ann Plast Surg. 2010 Oct 29.

Matthew G. Stanwix, Maura Reinblatt. Tessier #30 Cleft: An unusual presentation. Annals of Plastic Surgery. In press

Matthew G. Stanwix, Thomas J. Graham. Midcarpal Impaction Syndrome: An unusual cause of wrist pain in the Professional Athlete. J Hand Surg 2010. In press.

Keith A Follmar, Derek M Madsen, Matthew G Stanwix, James H Higgins. End to Side Anastomotic Patency in Reconstructive Free Tissue Transfer. Annals of Plastic Surgery. In press.

Gerhard S Mundinger; Arthur J Nam;Helen G. Hui-Chou;Matthew G.Stanwix; Cinthia B. Drachenberg, Rolf NBarth;Eduardo D. Rodriguez. Non-Human Primate Model of Fibula Vascularized Composite Tissue Allotransplantation Demonstrates Donor-recipient Bony Union. Plast. Recon. Surg. Submitted.

Matthew G. Stanwix, Luther Holton, Devinder Singh. Inferior Dart Variation to Limit Complications in Large Volume Breast Reductions. Plast. Recon. Surg. Submitted.

Arthur J Nam; Helen G. Hui-Chou; Matthew G.Stanwix, Eduardo D. Rodriguez. Abdominal Compartment Syndrome: Lessons from a Large Animal Model. Plast. Recon. Surg. Submitted.

J. Bryce Olenczak, Matthew G. Stanwix, Gedge D. Rosson. Complex wound closure of partial sacrectomy defect with human acellular dermal matrix and bilateral V to Y gluteal advancement flaps in a pediatric patient. Plast. Recon. Surg. Submitted.

Emile D. Brown, Matthew G. Stanwix, Amir D. Dorafshar. Free vascularized fibula for frontal sinus reconstruction after treatment of a congenital deformity. Plast. Recon. Surg. Submitted.



“Histological Rejection Does not Correlate with Clinical Rejection or Graft Survival in Primate Composite Facial Allografts,” American Transplant Congress, Toronto, Canada, June 1, 2008.


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