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Non-binary Gender Affirming Surgery

Looking for the right person to smoothly guide you through gender affirming top surgery? Dr. Matthew G. Stanwix of Stanwix Plastic Surgery gifted artistry and gentle personality makes him poised to be that surgeon for you. Originally trained under Dr. Beverly Fischer in Baltimore, Maryland over 17 years ago, he has honed his technique to fit your individual needs and desires. He understands that it is your body, and you should determine how you want it to look. From minimally invasive scar techniques to more advanced procedures, he offers every version of top surgery with his exceptional decades of expertise. Dr. Stanwix will be there with you every step of the way… through your initial consultation, surgical journey, and recovery period. His care, compassion, and bedside manner are unmatched.


Safety is always the top priority. The procedure is done in a fully accredited surgical center with a board-certified anesthesiologist and Board-Certified Plastic Surgeon Dr. Stanwix who performs top surgery numerous times per week. Regardless of which technique is used, Dr. Stanwix will ask for your specific individualized desires prior to surgery (this could be incisional shape/look, areolar shape and size, tissue thickness, etc). Of course, if you do not have any specific thoughts, there is a standard way that Dr. Stanwix performs the surgery that fits your body proportionately and matches you well. His keen attention to detail as well as an artistic eye will deliver the confident look you desire and deserve.

Non-Binary Top Surgery Procedures

Liposuction is almost always an adjunct to the surgery…allowing for a smooth contour and avoiding “dog ears”. All dissolvable sutures and skin glue create a watertight closure and a fitted surgical vest will be measured and placed. Surgery takes about 2-2.5 hours and is done on an outpatient basis. Most people opt for the nerve block that lasts 48-72 hours, and thus pain medicine use is limited or not even needed!

Recovery is quicker than what most anticipate. Walking around the house or neighborhood, up and down stairs, getting things from above the head, gentle normal activities are ok starting right after surgery.  Yes…you can shower the next day! Aerobic activities, such as elliptical or treadmill in 5 days, low weights at the gym (up to 10 pounds, but not chest or shoulder) by 10 days, running and jogging by 14 days and any activity by 4 weeks.

For out of town/state guests, our gender affirming facilitators will help you with accommodations and arrival details. Dr. Stanwix is worth the travel as his results and positive patient testimonials speak for themselves!


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