At Stanwix Plastic Surgery, our Board Certified Plastic Surgeon, Dr. Matthew G. Stanwix, has the experience and dedication to help you through the gender affirming process. Whether you are currently exploring the possibilities of top surgery or you’re ready to take the next step, you can count on our friendly and compassionate office to provide a positive experience. We take the time to get to know you, answer your questions, and help you feel comfortable and confident in your care. If you need a FTM surgeon you can trust, look no further than Stanwix Plastic Surgery. Contact us to schedule your consultation today!
Dr. Matthew Stanwix performs the most advanced top surgery and gender affirming procedures, and trained in Plastic and Cosmetic Surgery at The Johns Hopkins Hospital for Plastic Surgery. Not only was he at the top of his fellowship class, but he spent substantial time over ten years ago at their various surgery centers learning how to perform top surgery. There, he learned the intricacies of advanced and minimally invasive transgender F to M surgery from some of the best.
Over time, he has perfected this technique, adjusted it, and added V Shape liposuction to deliver outstanding results. He is excited to continue to share his 11 years of expertise and skill set to the FTM Richmond community in Virginia and beyond (Charlottesville, Virginia Beach, Washington DC, Roanoke, Maryland, West Virginia, Carolinas, as well as all over the US). As his reviews and reputation show, Dr. Stanwix is dedicated to providing you a wonderful individualized surgical experience and the meticulous outcome you deserve.
* All top surgery includes VASER liposuction chest wall to define muscle (pecs, lats, serratus) and deliver the masculine “V” shape
“Peri” or “Periareolar” FTM Top Surgery
This type of top surgery is very similar to the keyhole approach. Dr. Stanwix hides the incision around the whole areola, making it a minimal scarring type of surgery. Furthermore, the “peri” also reduces the areola size at the same time and can remove some limited skin for those that are not a keyhole candidate. Liposuction around the pec muscle and chest will define your muscles and deliver a natural result that fits the rest of your body.
“Double Incision” FTM Top Surgery
For those with more excess skin, the skin will need to be taken at the time of surgery, thus requiring an incision to remove it. Dr. Stanwix hides this incision along the edge of the pec to “mimic” the natural pectoralis muscle border. During the surgery, the nipple will need to be taken off and then grafted on as a skin graft with a smaller size to match the new contour of the chest. Liposuction is an important aspect of this surgery to transition the side of the chest into the new contour on the front.
Dr. Stanwix can individualize this surgery to your needs. Maybe you want round areolas, smaller areolas, a more built pec look, or a completely flat appearance. Whichever style you have in mind, our FTM surgeon will work with you to design your surgery according to your desires. Once the healing period is over, you’ll have a clean, natural look that will leave you feeling confident and positive about yourself and your results.
Neck liposuction with fat grafting to his jawline and chin
Payment: Credit cards, Cashier checks, cash, and CareCredit.
Insurance: Dr. Stanwix does NOT participate insurance companies.
Informed consent: Dr. Stanwix follows WPATH (World Professional Association for Transgender Health) standards of care and criteria for FTM Top Surgery. This includes a requirement for a supporting letter from a mental health professional prior to surgery. Hormones are not a requirement.