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Male Chest (Breast) Surgery Expert – Gynecomastia Expert-Body Contouring Specialist

Board Certified Plastic Surgeon – Dr. Matthew G. Stanwix, MD – Charlottesville & Richmond VA 

If you are a male and have a chest that is larger than you would like, please know that over 80% of all males exhibit this at some point in their lives. Occasionally, male breasts (or gynecomastia) persists and never goes away. Dr. Matthew G. Stanwix, an Ivy League educated and Johns Hopkins trained plastic surgeon of Richmond VA, performs advanced techniques in male gynecomastia surgery. He is an expert in this topic and has presented to large groups nationally regarding is exceptional outcomes, minimally invasive approaches, and surgical techniques. Gynecomastia can be caused many medical problems or medicines. It is important to have your primary care doctor or endocrinologist work up all the possible causes that can be reversed without surgery.

If you have been diagnosed with gynecomastia and require surgery for treatment of it, or if you are just unhappy with the shape and contour of your chest, then Dr. Stanwix is the right surgeon for you. He offers all cutting edge advances and innovative techniques to provide you with the results you deserve. By using a state of the art VASER machine for liposuction that allows less invasive and better results, he can create the shape of your chest you desire. Do you wonder about the cost of gynecomastia (male chest surgery) or whether insurance can cover gynecomastia surgery? A consultaton with Dr. Stanwix of Stanwix Plastic Surgery will answer all your questions. After a pleasant consultation, Dr. Stanwix will have you promptly on the individualized treatment plant to help you go out in public without the need for a shirt.

Reasons for gynecomastia surgery:

General Procedure

The precise procedure varies with each patient, depending on the body type and desired surgical outcome. Dr. Stanwix of Richmond VA individualizes each procedure because no two individuals are alike and everyone deserves specific procedures to fit their desire and body type. Overall, there are three generalized surgical techniques that Dr. Stanwix uses. In the first, he performs liposuction only to the chest to remove excess tissue in a minimally invasive approach.

Before and After Photo of a Liposuction Alone Surgery (Dr. Stanwix Patient)

For the second, Dr. Stanwix performs liposuction, but also makes a small incision around your areolar (red part around the nipple) to remove some of the thicker tissue. This incision heals very well in a concealed fashion (keyhole approach).

Before and After Photo of Liposuction with Areolar Reduction Gynecomastia Surgery (Dr. Stanwix Patient)

Lastly, Dr. Stanwix may have to remove excess skin and tissue through an external approach, while changing the place of the nipple. By doing so he will mimic your pec muscle shadow to hide your scar (double incision approach). Importantly, Dr. Stanwix always provides you with a meticulous closure.

It takes Dr. Stanwix two to three hours to perform this type of surgery depending on your individualized treatment plan. Dr. Stanwix always performs this procedure safely under general anesthesia.

Recovery Process

Dr. Stanwix performs gynecomastia surgery as an outpatient procedure. Because it involves removing tissue then you will see a lot of your results immediately. Small plastic drainage tubes may occasionally be placed to drain excess fluids. Dr. Stanwix may also place you in a tight compression garment to help shape your body into its aesthetically appealing contour. Expect some degree of minimal discomfort which is easily treated with oral medication prescribed by Dr. Stanwix of Richmond VA. Although you will not be able to perform strenuous activity or weight lifting for two weeks, you can get back into most cardio activities at one week after surgery. While complications are rare, you can minimize potential problems by carefully following the detailed instructions Dr. Stanwix will provide you.

If you feel that male chest surgery is right for you, then contact Dr. Matthew G. Stanwix today!


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