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Breast Reduction

Breast Reduction Richmond & Charlottesville VA - Breast Expert
Board Certified Plastic Surgeon Matthew G. Stanwix, MD 

Do you have shoulder and neck pain, large pendulous/sagging breasts, bras that "cut" into your side or breasts, too much moisture, or inability to perform certain activities because of your breast size? Large breasts can be unhealthy for your body creating strain on your neck, back, shoulders. In addition, many women with large breasts have excess moisture under the breast folds, as well as infections and rashes. The weight of the breast causes the bra to cut into the shoulders and the sides creating painful grooves and irritation. Dr. Stanwix understands that the weight of your breasts cause many of the above problems and often interferes with your activity and daily living. If you have large breasts with the above problems that do not respond to medicines or conservative therapies, then contact Dr. Stanwix today to talk about breast reduction surgery.

Breast Reduction surgery, or reduction mammaplasty, removes excess breast tissue and skin to treat the symptoms of large breasts. Dr. Stanwix has found that breast reduction surgery makes a large difference in his patients’ lives afterwards. It is one of the most satisfying procedures he performs as it makes an immediate difference in the quality of life of his patients. Dr. Stanwix performs all breast reduction surgeries in a safe and meticulous manner, individualizing each surgical approach to your needs. You will feel lighter and healthier, leading a more comfortable life while enjoying your beautiful, more proportionate body!

Reasons for Considering a Breast Reduction:

· Back, neck and/or shoulder pain caused by large breasts

· Sagging breasts produced by their large size.

· Disproportionate body frame attributed to oversized breasts.

· Restriction of physical activity due to the size and weight of the breasts.

· Painful bra strap marks and/or rashes as a result of large breasts.

General Procedure

Dr. Stanwix performs all surgical techniques for breast reduction and will discuss your individualized treatment plan during your initial consultation. The procedure that Dr. Stanwix chooses depends on the size of your breasts, volume of reduction, and location of your nipples. Regardless of which technique is chosen, know that Dr. Stanwix is an expert in breast surgery and only performs meticuoulous surgery with your safety in mind.

There are typically two types of breast reductions that Dr. Stanwix performs with many variations to provide for a tailored approach for your specific body. Dr. Stanwix is one of only a handful of plastic surgeons in the Richmond area that performs the vertical, or “lollipop,” breast reduction. This involves an incision around the areola and down to the breast fold, limiting the amount of scarring on your breasts. The main incision pattern is an “anchor” incision, also known as a wise pattern, which is like the vertical, but with an incision hidden in the breast fold. Through either of these main incisions, the breast tissue is removed and the nipple is moved up to its previous youthful position. Dr. Stanwix uses all dissolvable sutures and skin glue, leaving you with the best scarring possibly and so you do not have to worry about any care.

Recovery Process

Like many other breast surgeries, you should take it easy the first week or so after surgery to help with the healing process and speed up recovery time. Although you will not be doing any strenuous activity, most daily actions and walk is very much encouraged. You will experience some mild pain in the surgical area, but Dr. Stanwix will control this with oral pain medicine.

You will be given a specialized surgical bra after surgery that you will wear for at least two weeks after surgery. Because Dr. Stanwix uses all dissolving suture and skin glue, you will not need any stures to be removed and will be able to shower the next day! In terms of return to work and aerobic activity, it will be about 10-14 days before you can do so fully. Dr. Stanwix will see you throughout the postoperative period and provide you with detailed instructions specific to you for recovery and activity.

Dr. Stanwix has noticed that occasionally the symptoms of large breasts, such as pain in the shoulders and neck, can disappear the night of surgery. Not only will you will be pleased with the elimination of this physical pain, but also with your immediately better proportioned body, enhanced appearance, and better fitting clothes.